TGIF – Teens Guided in Faith Youth Group
The Our Lady of Hope Parish Youth Group (Teens Guided in Faith – TGIF) gives our parish’s high school students and their friends an opportunity to gather together twice a month for prayer, discussion, food, and fun. All those in high school are welcome to join us, and we always look forward to having new members!
Our youth group is involved in Christian service projects, diocesan events with other parishes’ youth groups (i.e., CYO Rainbow Conference, World Youth Day), and fun outings (i.e., Cedar Point trip, bowling, swimming, ball games, and more!) Events take place throughout the school year and the summer. All those in high school are always welcome.
The Teens Guided in Faith (TGIF) youth group meets twice a month (usually the second and fourth Sunday) at 6:30 p.m. in the Parish Center. Hope to see you at one of our meetings or events! Bring a friend!
Watch our parish bulletin articles for updates!
Cick here and ask to join our Facebook group!
Be sure you have been added to our email list to get regular youth group updates.